Dear Terraces families and friends-
As you all know, the Terraces has a stellar record with regard to our containment of Covid since it came upon us in 2020. Last year, we had an outbreak that resulted in no severe cases among our residents. That was due to early and aggressive interventions, including vigorous sanitation protocols, the purchase and use of PPE, quarantine policies, closure of the dining room, ongoing surveillance testing and other measures that had your much appreciated and overwhelming support.
Even though we are not required to do so, we’ve continued surveillance testing of residents and staff. Our goal has always been—and always will be–to be proactive in keeping our residents and staff safe and healthy. Through that process, we have recently identified 9 staff members who tested positive, with no positive results among our residents. Four of the staff members are asymptomatic. The other five have mild cases, with no hospitalizations. All are home on quarantine for ten days. As long as the four remain asymptomatic, they can present a negative test after five days and return to work at that time.
As a result, I regret to report that, effective immediately, (meaning, as you read this letter), we are suspending family visitation temporarily. Moving forward, we will be testing 100% of staff and residents on a weekly basis and will reinstate family visits as soon as we are clear of positive cases for two consecutive weeks.
Residents who are exposed to family members or friends who test positive will be rapid tested and quarantined until the next round of community PCR testing. Families can opt to do a PCR test outside to shorten the quarantine period. The same protocol will apply for any residents who are admitted to the hospital.
We will continue to screen and require proof of vaccination from all essential vendors and medical professionals who come to the community. All staff will be wearing N95/KN95 masks and strict disinfection and sanitizing protocols will continue.
I know it feels like we’re all reliving a bad dream, but we appreciate your understanding and support!
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call our Executive Director, Maria Quizon, or me.
by Sam Baum Community Relations Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753