Dear Terraces families and friends,
I hope this message finds you all holding up as well as can be expected.
The good news from here is that all residents who are not currently with family members have, for the most part, found permanent new homes. I want to thank the many partners who have made that transition work so well. Hillcrest, Pasadena Higlands, Regency Park Oak Knoll, among many others, are taking great care of your loved ones, based on our observations upon visiting. Many of these partners have also provided opportunities for our phenomenal staff. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
I know many of you have questions and I hope I can address some of those in this message.
I’m sure you can imagine the enormity of the task of permanently closing down a building. There are so many moving parts that all of our heads are spinning and we appreciate your patience as we work through everything.
First of all, Maggie has been working hard to, not only close out payroll (and many other projects of great import), but process all of your refunds for January. She has processed refunds for those who have contacted her, but there are many more still to be submitted. If you are owed a refund and haven’t been in touch with Maggie yet, it is IMPERATIVE, that you reach out to her directly. She can be reached at businessoffice@parkmarino.com. She will need to whom the check should be made payable and an address to send it.
Over the next couple of days, you’ll be hearing from either LaShawna or Katherine, our dining room supervisor, who will be proactively reaching out to you for that information.
In that call, they will also be asking the status of your loved one; current location, if they’re at another community, or are planning to be, and if a contract has been signed and move in date set, if they haven’t moved in already.
On that very subject, as you may know, I’ve been offering my assistance in helping families find new homes. If you still need my assistance, are at another community that is not meeting your loved ones needs or if there’s anything else I can do to help, please reach out to me at 619-955-0492 or Sharon Gallego at 626-262-3683.
There were several points of miscommunication that were very frustrating for me. I met with the Highlands team this morning and they have agreed to waive the community fee for our residents. If you paid a community fee, it will be applied towards your next month’s rent. They will also work closely with you on cost, so you’re paying exactly what you paid at the Terraces or reasonably close. If your loved one is in a shared room, or you called Highlands and they didn’t have acceptable accommodations, I urge you to get on a waiting list with them for a private apartment. You’ll see lots of familiar faces, both residents and staff.
In addition to the 93 residents who lost their homes, 58 staff are now out of jobs. Our Social Media Manager, Kim Olivares, started a Go Fund Me for those employees who were affected by the fire. The link is legit and anything you can do to help is much appreciated. All monies raised will be distributed evenly among all Terraces employees.
There’s also FEMA assistance available for residents displaced by the fire. Click on this link to learn how to go about getting that assistance.
Except for questions about refunds, which should be directly addressed with Maggie, please let me know if there’s anything else we or I can do to help.
We are hoping to have a resident/family member/staff reunion sometime in the spring and I’ll be in touch with more details when the time comes. I’m sure I’ll be in touch with many of you long before that!
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753